Paper Mâché Dream Balloon
A childrens' storybook from the mind of a killer, Paper Mache Dream Balloon, is at its surface, a fun, innocent, and bubblegumly-cheerful experience of vivid colors, soft vocal deliveries, and warm melodies; however, with closer examination, the lyricism within shows this album's true subject matter: a look into a man's descent into insanity, cold cadavers, and a love story between a man and a corpse. The juxtaposition of these two states is executed with the complexity and skill that has come to be expected from Australia's psych-masters, King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard. All-acoustic instrumentation contextualizes the songwriting with feelings of serenity and pleasing textures, working in seamless conjunction with cheery, ear-worm vocal performances. It is the dark inner-tones of this album in contrast that reshift the listener's perception of each song, placing us in a state between good and bad, peace and evil - what facilitates the immersion in songs like N.G.R.I., blurring the line between these two and making us happily sing along to the machinations of a killer.
Pin: 42 mm wide x 10 mm tall held high-and-proud by two sky-blue rubber clutch backers.
Backing card: 55 mm x 55 mm